James "logan" Howlett
Thanks to his regenerative healing factor and berserker rage, the centuries-old Logan can fight through the worst pain to go claw-to-claw with any foe. The Wolverine stands ready to shred through all obstacles in his way with his Adamantium claws.
Gifted with a powerful healing factor and razor sharp claws, the Mutant called Logan was turned into a living weapon when the clandestine government organization Weapon X bonded indestructible Adamantium to his skeleton. Wolverine has proven to be more than a killing machine, finding ways to rise above his pain to do what's right for Mutants and humans alike. Now, Logan splits his time between battling Doom 2099 and ushering Mutants to safety on Krakoa. Even in the far future, Wolverine remains the best there is at what he does.
Begin to heal and rise with a hefty Bonus Health, shaking off all debuffs. After a brief moment, any remaining Bonus Health morphs into a one-off heal, zeroing out his Rage. Assists in KOs reduce this cooldown.