
HP 120
Stamina 100
Size L
Rarity 8
Melee 100
Shot 100
Defense 120
Support 100
Craft Speed 100
Capture Rate 1
Exp Ratio 1
Price 6830
Walk Speed 110
Slow Walk Speed 55
Run Speed 500
Ride Speed 600
Hard Armor
When fighting together, increases player's defense and applies Fire damage to the player's attacks.
Drops:- Honey
Anytime Daytime Nighttime

Wind Cutter [Lv 1]
Power: 30Cooldown: 2Range: 500 – 5000
Fires a high speed blade of wind that flies straight at an enemy.

Seed Machine Gun [Lv 7]
Power: 50Cooldown: 9Range: 0 – 300
Fires a volley of hard seeds at enemies in front of it.

Stone Blast [Lv 15]
Power: 55Cooldown: 10Range: 500 – 4000
Fires a barrage of stones forward.

Stone Cannon [Lv 22]
Power: 70Cooldown: 15Range: 500 – 2500
Digs up a boulder and hurls it at an enemy.

Giga Horn [Lv 30]
Power: 75Cooldown: 11Range: 0 – 2500
Skewers enemies with its four sturdy horns.

Rock Lance [Lv 40]
Power: 150Cooldown: 55Range: 100 – 9999
Generates a sharp rock spear under an enemy.

Solar Blast [Lv 50]
Power: 150Cooldown: 55Range: 500 – 1800
Charges solar energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.