
HP 80
Stamina 100
Size S
Rarity 2
Melee 90
Shot 80
Defense 50
Support 100
Craft Speed 100
Capture Rate 1
Exp Ratio 1
Price 1720
Walk Speed 140
Slow Walk Speed 100
Run Speed 600
Ride Speed 800
Sixth Sense
When activated, utilizes a sixth sense to detect nearby dungeons.
Drops:- Copper Key
- Silver Key
Anytime Daytime Nighttime

Poison Blast [Lv 1]
Power: 30Cooldown: 2Range: 500 – 3000
Hurls poison sludge at an enemy.

Dark Ball [Lv 7]
Power: 40Cooldown: 4Range: 500 – 1000
Unleashes a sphere of darkness that slowly tracks down the enemy.

Shadow Burst [Lv 15]
Power: 55Cooldown: 10Range: 0 – 300
Quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.

Spirit Flame [Lv 22]
Power: 75Cooldown: 16Range: 500 – 5000
Fires three balls of malice that relentlessly pursue an enemy.

Nightmare Ball [Lv 30]
Power: 100Cooldown: 30Range: 1000 – 9999
Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.

Ignis Breath [Lv 40]
Power: 70Cooldown: 15Range: 500 – 1500
Shoots flames at an enemy, dealing continuous damage.

Dark Laser [Lv 50]
Power: 150Cooldown: 55Range: 500 – 1800
Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.