

Generate Electricity3Handiwork2Lumbering2Transporting3
With a friendly smile and a hardy physique, it is docile towards ones it recognizes as a partner. For reasons unexplained, its personality undergoes a drastic change when welding a minigun.
HP 105
Stamina 100
Size L
Rarity 8
Melee 120
Shot 100
Defense 100
Support 100
Craft Speed 100
Capture Rate 1
Exp Ratio 1
Price 7720
Walk Speed 140
Slow Walk Speed 80
Run Speed 470
Ride Speed 550

Yellow Tank

Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a minigun while mounted.

  • Electric Organ
  • Leather
Anytime Daytime Nighttime

Spark Blast [Lv 1]

Power: 30Cooldown: 2Range: 500 – 5000

The user releases a lightning ball that expands outward in a forward, circular pattern.


Shockwave [Lv 7]

Power: 40Cooldown: 4Range: 0 – 300

Quickly discharges electricity, shocking those around it.


Lightning Claw [Lv 15]

Power: 90Cooldown: 22Range: 0 – 700

After leaping at an enemy and tearing at it twice with its electrically charged claws, it attacks the ground, sending an electric shock throughout the area.


Lightning Streak [Lv 22]

Power: 75Cooldown: 16Range: 500 – 2000

Generates a lightning bolt that moves forward in a line.


Tri-Lightning [Lv 30]

Power: 90Cooldown: 22Range: 0 – 9999

Generates lightning that strikes an enemy three times from above.


Lightning Strike [Lv 40]

Power: 120Cooldown: 40Range: 0 – 500

Acts as a lightning rod, calling down thunderbolts that electrocute the surrounding area.


Lightning Bolt [Lv 50]

Power: 150Cooldown: 55Range: 500 – 3000

Charges electric energy before blasting enemies with a powerful shock.