
HP 110
Stamina 130
Size L
Rarity 7
Melee 80
Shot 80
Defense 90
Support 100
Craft Speed 100
Capture Rate 1
Exp Ratio 1
Price 5230
Walk Speed 83
Slow Walk Speed 83
Run Speed 630
Ride Speed 800
Amicable Holy Dragon
Can be ridden as an aerial mount. While fighting together, Dark Pals drop more items when defeated.
Drops:- High Quality Pal Oil
Anytime Daytime Nighttime

Dragon Cannon [Lv 1]
Power: 30Cooldown: 2Range: 500 – 4000
Hurls an energy ball imbued with draconic energy at an enemy.

Dragon Burst [Lv 7]
Power: 55Cooldown: 10Range: 0 – 200
Quickly discharges draconic energy, damaging those around it.

Flare Arrow [Lv 15]
Power: 55Cooldown: 10Range: 500 – 5000
Fires three flaming arrows in succession that home in on an enemy.

Mystic Whirlwind [Lv 22]
Power: 70Cooldown: 10Range: 0 – 3000
Generates twin whirlwinds imbued with a mysterious power that pursues enemies.

Draconic Breath [Lv 30]
Power: 70Cooldown: 15Range: 500 – 1500
Exhales breath imbued with draconic energy, dealing continuous damage to those in front of it.

Pal Blast [Lv 40]
Power: 150Cooldown: 55Range: 500 – 1800
Charges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.

Dragon Meteor [Lv 50]
Power: 150Cooldown: 55Range: 500 – 5000
Calls down numerous small meteorites and launches them at an enemy.